Nautilus EVO Leg Curl Prone

Nautilus EVO®
Nautilus EVO Leg Curl Prone Model#: S9LCP

The Nautilus Nitro EVO Prone Leg Curl positions the body to allow maximum hamstring contraction while maintaining axis alignment

Quick-set leg pad for proper positioning for users of all sizes

Heavy padded movement arm roller for user comfort

Angled pads allow complete hamstring contraction

Improved cam profile allows for full muscle contraction

52” L x 36” W x 54” H
132 L x 89 W x 137 H cm

Machine Weight: 496 lbs. / 225 kg,
Weight Stack: 200 lbs. / 91 kg

Warranty: 12 years- Frame/Welded
Moving Parts/Weight Stacks, 3 years-
Moving Parts, 1 year-Labor and 6
months on upholstery/pads/grips and tethered weight stack pins